Category Archives: Whats new with PBD

Auto Enrollment it needn’t be a headache

Auto Enrollment needn’t be a headache

Auto Enrollment Headache

So what is Auto Enrollment you ask?……

Auto Enrollment is new legislation that the Government have introduced in order to get more people saving for their future into pensions.

How does this affect me? I only have one employee…

Essentially this means that employers across the country have to automatically enroll certain employees into a pension scheme and make contributions on their behalf.

So what are my responsibilites?……

There are 33 new duties or responsibilities that employers should be aware of, REMEMBER these duties are not optional, they are constantly ongoing on a weekly, or monthly basis (depends on your payroll).

Choosing and setting up the initial scheme is the easy part of the process. REMEMBER you the employer are now responsible for the ongoing maintenance/record keeping and reporting to the regulator.

This involves accurately communicating between PAYROLL, WORKERS, PENSION PROVIDER &; THE REGULATOR.

What do I need to do and when do I need to do it?……

This Government legislation has been in force for over 12 months and each individual employer has a different staging date (implementation timescale), you need to be aware of yours and give yourself enough time to prepare and put procedures in place.

I think I can just ignore this and it will go away like so many other Government ideas……

Not a hope in hell! If you FAIL in your duties or miss your staging date you will face substantial FINES or even IMPRISONMENT.

So how can I solve this problem?……

Thankfully due to my 20+ years in the financial services industry I have found a trusted partner who can find the solutions for any size of business, whether you are simply employing one person or have hundreds on your payroll – so no matter what Auto Enrollment needn’t be your headache anymore.

For more information complete this form for a free informal chat over coffee.

Web, Graphic Design and Print

Web, Graphic Design and Print

Web, Graphic Design and Print
CreativeNW offer Web, Graphic Design and Print services to businesses, charities, community groups and Small to Medium Enterprise (SME) in the North West, specifically Lancashire and Manchester. The team have over 49 years combined experience in the design and marketing sector.

It is our aim to exceed client expectation in everything we do.

Says Mark Dearden – Developer

In the last 20 years we have created sites for kitchen designers, management consultants, computer consultants, joiners, builders, pubs, restaurants, debt management consultants and budgerigars breeders. All with different requirements, some websites are small some are over 200 pages in size. Some require contact forms, or the ability to upload photos and video and some are just brochure sites in order to provide a basic online presence. No matter what your business requires CreativeNW are confident they can provide.
screenshot-by-nimbus-www-creativenw-co-uk (2)

Web Design services

Whether you’re new to the internet or have been online for a while we have a service to suit you. From updating existing websites to creating new sites. Using a variety of methods including:

Content Managed Systems (CMS) such as WordPress
Full e-commerce solutions

We will listen to what you and your business want and deliver on time and on budget.

Graphic Design

Brand Identity is often the key to a successful business, CreativeNW offer a large range of graphic design services from logo design, through to leaflets, catalogues, menus and more.

Print Services

CreativeNW can supply professionally printed, full colour flyers, leaflets, business cards, letterheads & compliment slips, booklets and posters.

You can supply your own artwork or CreativeNW can create it for you, delivered anywhere in the UK including options for next day delivery.

For more information on any of our services please complete the form below for an immediate response.

Author: Carl Bradshaw FInstSMM. Follow on Twitter @CarlBradshaw, Google+, or public updates on Facebook catch up with what I’m reading on Pinterest.
By , Positive Business Development

6 reasons why you should use a site verification system for your e-commerce business

As the cost to entry reduces for e-commerce businesses, the online market place is seeing greater and greater competition, in order to make your website and brand stand out from the competition. The online market place can be a confusing choice for most consumers, do you buy from big brand names you know you can trust? Or do you take a chance on a website who’s origin is unknown?

In order to increase your chances of making a sale, Positive Business Development recommends that you consider using a site verification system. That not only confirms who you are but details your credit worthiness and that you are a UK registered company and not an unknown foreign company with a clever web developer. This type of product will allow your customer to quickly and clearly gain trust in your business.

I have put together 10 reasons why your e-commerce business needs site verification below:

1. Enable your consumers to buy from you with confidence (which equals more sales)
2. Stand out from your competitors (be proud of your credit rating and prove who you are)
3. Reduce your bounce backs on your site (Increasing trust means customers stay longer on your site)
4. Get detailed statistical analysis about your visitors (When and where, your customers are from)
5. Be part of a system that is only available to eligible UK registered companies (Cut out the rogue traders)
6. Use a product that is quick and easy to install, and available on all browers.

For more information about where you can buy website verification for less than 70p per day, call Carl on 08444 123 172 or complete the form below:

Formulate a sales strategy

Sales & Marketing Strategy
You have a great product or service, but how do you deliver it to your chosen market?

Firstly, your own excitement and commitment to what you are selling is always invaluable when bringing products and services to the market place. It follows with wanting to develop a sales strategy, this should cover what, how and who you intend to deliver or sell to.

Essentially the more work that you put into planning the easier it will be to close your sale, develop a solid customer base and track your progress from start to finish.

Identify your product’s unique features and benefits (Unique Selling Point USP)

What about you, your company or your products & services is unique, what makes the difference between using you or your competitors, think about this from your consumers perspective.

Competitor analysis

What are your competitors in your chosen market doing to win consumers? Look at and study your competitors, strengths, weaknesses, opportunity, threats (SWOT analysis).

Who are you looking to sell to?

Are your products or services aimed at the domestic, or commercial markets? What sort of customer profile would your typical client fit? Remember to think about this from your consumers perspective.

Sales method

Now you have decided on your target market and written down your USP, the next stage is to plan what method you want to use in selling your products or services. These may include one or all of the following:

• Personal contact (direct selling, retail)
• Telesales
• Direct mail (special offers, catalogues)
• Internet

Depending on what you are selling and the geography of your potential client bank will point you naturally towards the best sales method, for example, if you are selling perishable items locally, you may want to look at personal contact, retail and maybe localised direct mail.

However, selling goods or services via the internet or direct mail can be a scatter gun approach and much more initial market research should be done to decide your target market and how best to approach them before embarking with these sales methods.

Six P’s (Proper Preparation Prevents P*** Poor Performance)

Part of your strategy could include making sales presentations to groups or seminars, in this scenario the six P’s really apply. If you don’t prepare to win business you will not succeed.

As an example, will you want to create a presentation? What should it include? Key data on your business, your USP, and contact details.

Taking proper care and attention to detail will help you develop a strong, professional and consistent image throughout your presentations, knowing that you have put the six P’s into practice will also give you the confidence to deliver your message.


Be prepared to negotiate, but know your bottom line and hold strong – do not go below your bottom line as there is little point selling something if you lose money, even if you think it’s worth it in the short term to snare a customer for the long term.

Closing the deal

Now you have taken your customer down your sales path to the end, you have persuaded your customer that they need or want what you have to offer. Now is the time you have to get a firm commitment to purchase your goods or services.

Remember, keep focused on your customer and the personal rapport developed during the sales process and negotiations.

If by now you are not confident in asking for the order, I would recommend that you contact your local chamber of commerce and enquire about sales training to develop your confidence.

Asking for the order for me is the most rewarding stage, it is also sometimes the most difficult, as it is often where the most difficult objections are raised by the customer, but objection handling is subject all on its own.

Follow up or after sales service

The most important part of any sales process, now we have to deliver what we have promised and more !

Hello world!

Carl Bradshaw
Owner of Positive Business Development

Welcome to Positive Business Development’s brand spanking new blog, with wordpress, many people we meet are recommending using wordpress as opposed to (take a look at our other blog) I believe that both have their merits.

In the coming months I will write articles for both sites and monitor the traffic to see which suits me best. In the mean time here is the first of many posts.

Always feel free to post comments on this blog as and when the need arises.