Tag Archives: Website Verification

6 reasons why you should use a site verification system for your e-commerce business

As the cost to entry reduces for e-commerce businesses, the online market place is seeing greater and greater competition, in order to make your website and brand stand out from the competition. The online market place can be a confusing choice for most consumers, do you buy from big brand names you know you can trust? Or do you take a chance on a website who’s origin is unknown?

In order to increase your chances of making a sale, Positive Business Development recommends that you consider using a site verification system. That not only confirms who you are but details your credit worthiness and that you are a UK registered company and not an unknown foreign company with a clever web developer. This type of product will allow your customer to quickly and clearly gain trust in your business.

I have put together 10 reasons why your e-commerce business needs site verification below:

1. Enable your consumers to buy from you with confidence (which equals more sales)
2. Stand out from your competitors (be proud of your credit rating and prove who you are)
3. Reduce your bounce backs on your site (Increasing trust means customers stay longer on your site)
4. Get detailed statistical analysis about your visitors (When and where, your customers are from)
5. Be part of a system that is only available to eligible UK registered companies (Cut out the rogue traders)
6. Use a product that is quick and easy to install, and available on all browers.

For more information about where you can buy website verification for less than 70p per day, call Carl on 08444 123 172 or complete the form below: